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Thai Massage


ITM Thai Table Massage For Massage Therapists
$575 + HST 


14 hours

Delivery Model:


This Thai Table Massage course was designed by ITM Chiang Mai to be delivered by Certified Advanced Practitioners and Teachers (CAPT) from ITM.  It is a combination of Northern & Southern style Thai Massage movements as it can be applied on a massage table without the practitioner moving on and off the table.  This course is modified with the aim of teaching Massage Therapists and other professionals who have experience working with the body. 

Upon completion the practitioner will be able to perform an effective full body Thai massage on Table for 1 – 2 hour treatment.



Shockwave Therapy

$300 + HST 


7 hours

Delivery Model:


Shockwave therapy dates back to the 1950’s with the introduction of the technology to treat kidney stones. It has since evolved to have two available technologies: Focus and Radial shockwave. This course examines Radial Shockwave Therapy as a technology and how it can be incorporated into a massage therapy practice to treat common conditions such as Frozen Shoulder, Plantar Fasciitis and Tennis Elbow.

In this course participants will learn about the technology and how to use it in their practice as an adjunct to manual massage techniques. When complete, you will be able to recognize candidates for shockwave therapy, when to use it in your practice, and treatment protocols best
suited for common musculoskeletal conditions.



How to Approach Assessment and Treatment of the Hypermobile Client
$250 + HST 


8 hours

Delivery Model:


A new perspective on the approach to assessing & treating the hypermobile patient. Most of the time when we treat we are stretching and creating space within the body. What do we do for the patient that has too much motion? What are some of the most common symptoms and how can we approach the body in such a way to create stability and increase the capacity for function and educate the client on how to assist their own healing journey?

This course will give you the tools to assess, the skills to note what you are visually assessing and functional tools for assisting the client post treatment with homework and breathwork!

Core Exercise


Exercise Therapy for Core Musculature
$200 + HST 


8 hours

Delivery Model:


The knowledge of the core and its function is the foundation of a successful rehabilitation program. Poor core activation can be a factor when dealing with low back injuries in daily life and/or sport. This course is centered around testing, training and properly activating the core to minimize injury, improve performance and/or help with recovery. 



Traditional Thai Massage I
$700 + HST 


32 hours

Delivery Model:


Traditional Thai Massage is a Buddhist form of physiotherapy originally created by the Doctor to the Buddha 2000-2500 years. It was passed down from generation to generation by the monastic monks through oral tradition and primarily used to soothe sore muscles after intense meditation. In practice, it combines passive stretch, compressions and acupressure, in a rhythmic and systematic routine resembling yoga-like postures and thus commonly referred to as Thai Yoga in the west.



Traditional Thai Massage II
$700 + HST 


32 hours

Delivery Model:


In this follow up to Thai Massage level I participants learn how to give a 90 minute full body Thai Massage with the client in the the sidelying and prone positions. You will also learn additional techniques for the seated position. Sen (energy) lines of the back and post legs are now introduced and treated.

*Traditional Thai Massage I is NOT a pre-requisite 

Acupressure Neck Massage


The Connection Between the Pelvic Floor & the Oral Diaphragm

$250 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:


Understanding the correlation between the pelvic floor and the oral diaphragm can be an invaluable treatment tool in getting the lasting results that our patients are looking for. Approaching back and neck pain with a new perspective. This course will provide understanding of the interconnection of the jaw to the pelvic floor anatomy, dysfunctions and common conditions as well as providing practical knowledge of techniques that Manual Therapists can use in their practice to assist in treatment.

Back Massage


Sensory Approach to Manual Therapy

$400 + HST


Work at your own pace

Delivery Model:

eLearning Modules

This course is designed to help manual therapists gain a greater understanding into the most up-to-date research around fascia, pain, touch stimulus and how these concepts interact with the brain. Through this interaction we delve into the idea of neuroplasticity and how it is that we, as manual therapists can take advantage of this connection to help reeducate the bodies movement and pain patterns.



Make Money as a Massage Therapist

$250 + HST


Work at your own pace

Delivery Model:

eLearning Modules

This DIY online course is designed for massage therapists who want to find the best jobs and make the most money so you can love your career without burning out. You’re a current student or recent graduate of any massage therapy program. You’re an employee or independent contractor who’s been in the game for a while and you’re looking for more.

This Course Is NOT For You If:

  • You’re anti-capitalist (I’m going to be showing you how to earn good money. If that’s not what you want, no problem! Move along.)

  • You want business tips for opening a private practice (I can help you with that, but not in this training. This course is for massage therapists who are NOT self-employed.)

  • You’re easily offended (There may be cursing!)

Therapy Session


Record Keeping for Registered Psychotherapists

$250 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

Live Stream

This course is specifically designed for Registered Psychotherapists in Ontario. Learn to effectively document within the framework of professional ethics, confidentiality, current legislation, and standards of practice. 

This course is accepted by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario for members who have been advised or mandated to complete a SCERP - Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program.


Advanced Joint Mobilizations

$350 + HST


16 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

Joint Mobilizations are one of the most effective tools a Manual Therapist can use in the course of treating various conditions.  However, joint mobilizations are among one of the most misunderstood concepts in some formal education and training programs, leaving this valuable skill underutilized. Some educational programs barely scratch the surface when it comes to joint mobilizations, leaving the majority of therapists with very little experience and ill confidence when mobilizing peripheral joints, the joints of the spine, costal joints, SI joint, and TMJ...

Last day of our Cupping workshop in #Lon

Advanced Treatment Perspectives: Cupping as a Soft Tissue Tool

$450 + HST


16 hours

Delivery Model:


The purpose of this course is to introduce Registered Massage Therapists to Cupping Therapy. In this course you will learn to use Cupping Techniques with Plastic Cups. Traditional Cupping is beyond the scope of practice for Registered Massage Therapists who do not belong to The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario...

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Anatomy Workshop - Human Anatomy Laboratory

$225 + HST


3 hours

Delivery Model:


The Human Anatomy Program at the University of Guelph hosts many curriculum-relevant educational sessions. Students enrolled in health-based courses at ConEd Institute have the opportunity to participate in cadaver-based learning workshops. The interactive setting offered by the Human Anatomy Program at the University of Guelph gives participants the opportunity to study and review anatomical structures and relationships that are foundational to health-care practices. Participants will be guided by human anatomy facilitators through major regions of the body, with a focus on musculature and osteology. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore major anatomical structures associated with the thorax, abdomen, brain, spinal cord and more!

Physical Therapist

Assessments Review for RMTs

$350 + HST


16 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

This course is designed to assist Registered Massage Therapists in becoming familiar and comfortable with the assessment process.  Many Massage Therapists working in multidisciplinary settings have come to rely on the initial assessment of their patient / client being performed by a physiotherapist or chiropractor, the primary health care provider.  Many Massage Therapists simply lack the confidence and / or have failed to retain the knowledge of assessments taught through their formal education.  The pressure to please the patient / client, get them "on the table" and provide them with a "1 hour massage" also plays a significant role in the under use of the assessments process.   As well, statistically, the assessments stations at the Ontario licensing exam are poorly performed.  A combination of  all the above factors is the driving force behind the Orthopedic Assessments Review for RMTs...


Athletic Taping

$200 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:


Athletic taping is a skill that is under-utilized by most Manual Therapists, Kinesiologists, and Personal Trainers, typically reserved for Field of Play Medical Teams, such as Certified Athletic Therapists, Sport Physiotherapists, and Sport Medicine Doctors. Unless you are a Sports Massage Therapist or have been involved in athletics, you may not be aware of the benefits of Athletic Taping...


Axial Joint Mobilization

$200 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

Joint Mobilizations are one of the most effective tools a Manual Therapist can use in the course of treating various conditions.  However, joint mobilizations are among one of the most misunderstood concepts in some education and training programs, leaving this valuable skill underutilized. This is especially true for the axial skeleton...


Business Success Strategies

200 + HST



8 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

This course is Day 1 of Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Strategies For Success. Here you will learn the tools for business success whether you are working for an existing organization or starting and/or running a private practice. You will learn to develop the mindset of a successful entrepreneur, understand the various structures of running your business, guidelines for conducting a clinical practice, strategic planning, and financial planning.


Chair Massage

$200 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:


Massage Therapy is a Regulated Profession in Ontario, and only those who are registered through the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario are permitted to practice Massage Therapy in Ontario. However, Massage and Body Work are within the public domain.

This course is designed to educate Non-regulated Practitioners, Manual Therapists, and Body Workers on the effective use of chair massage.  This course is also useful for RMTs wishing to add chair massage into their already existing practice...

Be bold in your pursuit of #education...

Clinic / Team Training


Are you a clinic owner? Do you want to get some additional training for your team or associates? We are available to come to your clinic to train your staff in whichever area you feel is the most vital to the success of your clinic. To set up a clinic coaching session send us a request and we will work with you to customize a training program that fits your clinic's goals and mission statement. To set up a Clinic / Team Training session, simply send us a request.

Woman Studying

eLearning Modules, Live Stream, Free eLearnig Videos


We are making it easier for you to get the education you are looking for!!

Learn at your own pace with our eLearning Modules

Learn from the comfort of you home or office with our interactive Live Stream Classes

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$250 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:


Electrotherapy has been commonly used in physical therapy for 50 years. It involves stimulating the subcutaneous nerves with a mild electrical  to elicit therapeutic affects. In this course you will learn how to use the two most popular electrotherapy modalities – Interferential Current (IFC) and TENS – to help reduce pain, and muscle spasm.

Physical Therapy

Exercise Therapy for Shoulder Conditions

$200 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:


Knowledge of shoulder biomechanics and its applied anatomy is of utmost importance in shoulder rehabilitation. Poor shoulder rehabilitation often results in recurring shoulder injuries. The following workshop is centered around the concepts involved in active therapy for successful rehabilitation of common shoulder complex injuries including: impingement injuries, tendonitis, instabilities and dislocations, bursitis, and frozen shoulder...

Woman Lifting Weights

Exercise Therapy for Lower Limb Conditions

$200 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:


This is a one day course consisting of lecture and practical application of exercises that are highly beneficial for the rehabilitation of common musculoskeletal lower limb injuries/conditions.  This course is ideal for Manual Therapists, expanding on the concepts of active rehabilitation vs. traditional passive therapy.  Personal Trainers can learn how to adapt personal training programs to include remedial exercises to aid their clients in the rehabilitative process while maintaining the goals of their personalized fitness programs.  Kinesiologists, whether working in fitness or injury rehabilitation will also find the information in this course to be highly useful...

First Aid Kit

First Aid and CPR/AED-HCP Re-certification


Are you required to renew your First Aid and CPR/AED?


Emergency First Aid and CPR/AED-HCP

$100 + HST

Intense Workout

Foundations of Remedial / Therapeutic Exercise

$150 + HST



8 hours

Delivery Model:

Live Stream

It is no secret that at the heart of successful injury rehabilitation, and the maintenance and improvement of bodily performance is a sound exercise and/or movement program. Many Therapists possess excellent hands-on skills, but unfortunately this passive approach to manual therapy can only bring about limited outcomes with our patients and clients. We need to get our patients and clients to move!!

Casual Work Meeting

Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Success

$350 + HST


16 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream


Healthcare Professionals spend a great deal of time perfecting their craft and improving business success.  Whether working for an existing organization or starting a private practice, running a small business can be very challenging and requires learning a new set of skills.  This is a one stop integrated workshop covering all you need to know for business success.


LASER and LED Light Therapy

$250 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:


You may have noticed in recent years that laser and light therapies have become popular modalities for manual therapists and other healthcare professionals to use in order to accelerate the healing and recovery process. Whether it's patient with a pulled muscle, or an athlete who is post-op, these treatment options are becoming a preferred method to help many people heal and recover.

LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

LED - Light Emitting Diode

Super excited about our Advanced Joint M

Manual Therapy for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

$200 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:


Knowledge of Temporomandibular Joint and its applied anatomy is of utmost importance in treating jaw pain and dysfunction. This course is centred around the concepts involved in external and intraoral treatment of TMJ issues: anatomy and mechanics of the TMJ and associated structures, palpation of anatomical structures relevant to treatment, identify common TMJ conditions, subjective and objective assessment of TMJ and relevant structures, manual therapy – external and intraoral massage techniques, joint mobilization, remedial exercise and post treatment care.


Marketing Strategies

200 + HST


8 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

This course is Day 2 of Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Strategies For Success. Here you will learn the tools for business marketing success whether you are working for an existing organization or starting and/or running a private practice. You will learn to develop and implement both traditional and digital marketing strategies to brand and grow your healthcare business.

Zooming on Tablet

Marketing Your Healthcare Business: Branding Your Practice Online

$150 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

Live Stream

Complementary Healthcare Professionals invest so much time, effort, and money into acquiring the vast knowledge to become innovative experts in their field, but often fall short or do not reach their maximum potential in their business ventures. The problem is that we are so preoccupied with what we do best - helping others, that we tend to lose sight of ourselves and our skills as being a primary tool for business. We see ourselves as healthcare professionals not as business owners and brands...

Anatomy Drawing

Musculoskeletal Anatomy Review

$150 + HST


Work at your own pace

Delivery Model:

eLearning Modules

This course is intended for all healthcare professionals that would like to learn and/or review the musculoskeletal system and its relationship with the rest of the human body. This course is also highly beneficial for Health Science Students and those preparing for the Massage Therapy OSCE and MCQ...​


One-On-One Training


Delivery Model:

In-person or Virtual

Our training program involves spending one-on-one time with one of our instructors. This is ideal for those who wish to take one of our scheduled courses and prefer to have individualized instruction or those who cannot attend one of our pre-scheduled course dates or locations. We can also create a customized course to meet your specific needs. To set up a one-on-one coaching session, simply send us a request.


Orthopedic Assessments for Kinesiologists

$350 + HST


16 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

Numerous studies have indicated that the general public are increasingly using Complementary Alternative Medicine, such as Kinesiology, for the treatment of various conditions.  In many cases Kinesiologists are not just practicing in conjunction with other Regulated Health Care Professionals, but as the sole primary care provider for such patients / clients.  As the profession continues to evolve, so does the responsibility of the Registered Kinesiologist.  Assessments are an invaluable part of therapeutic practices.  If the profession wishes to continue its path of growth, Registered Kinesiologists should strive to expand their knowledge to match that of other Complementary Health Care Providers...

Sports Injury

Orthopedic Assessments for Osteopathic Manual Practitioners

$350 + HST


16 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

Numerous studies have indicated that the general public are increasingly using Complementary Alternative Medicine, such as Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, for the treatment of various conditions. Assessments are an invaluable part of therapeutic practices.


OSCE Preparation

$800 + HST, $250 + HST for Individual Days

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

A consultation is required prior to registration. Feel free to send us a message to schedule your consultation.

OSCE Preparation

4 day practical training is designed for candidates who are either making a first attempt at the OSCE or have previous unsuccessful attempts.

We believe that a successful candidate is proactive in their studies, therefore the greatest success can only come from individuals who are willing to self study based on our recommended study plan...

Prenatal Yoga Practice

Pelvic Health for Manual Therapists

$350 + HST


14 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

Pelvic health is an up and coming area of expertise and more and more patients are searching for therapists trained in alleviating pelvic floor dysfunction. With this course, you can expand your patient population and help those in need...​

Shoulder Treatment

Peripheral Joint Mobilization

$200 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

Joint Mobilizations are one of the most effective tools a Manual Therapist can use in the course of treating various conditions.  However, joint mobilizations are among one of the most misunderstood concepts in some education and training, leaving this valuable skill underutilized. Some educational programs barely scratches the surface when it comes to joint mobilizations, leaving the majority of therapists with very little experience and ill confidence when mobilizing peripheral joints...

Medical form with stethoscope

Record Keeping For Manual Therapists

$150 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

Live Stream

Do you work in a multidisciplinary clinic and are sharing patient files with other professionals with patient consent? Are you embarrassed by your clinical records? Are your records clear, precise, and thorough? Do your records conform to the standards for your College or Governing Body?

This course is specifically designed for Registered Massage Therapists, and Registered Kinesiologists, however the information is applicable for any Manual Therapist. Learn to effectively document patient interaction within the framework of professional ethics, confidentiality, current legislation and standards of practice.  Anything you need to document, this course will discuss how...


Record Keeping for Registered Psychotherapists

$250 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

Live Stream

This course is specifically designed for Registered Psychotherapists in Ontario. Learn to effectively document within the framework of professional ethics, confidentiality, current legislation, and standards of practice. 

This course is only available by appointment. Please ensure you have scheduled a date and time with the instructor before registering for this course.



$900 + HST

Delivery Model:


Reflexology is holistic body work that is aimed to encourage healing and reduce ailments through natural means. The technique involves applying pressure to specific areas or reflexes on the feet that are correlated to parts of the body – glands, organs, muscles, and joints. 

Upon successful completion of this Reflexology Certification course, you may practice in the follow ways:

  • Use Reflexology within its full scope, practice as a Reflexologist

  • Use Reflexology as a complementary modality to Massage Therapy

9 Week Course

  • 4 days of in-class instruction; Independent Clinical Cases; 1 day in-class Practical and Theory Exam


Therapeutic Ultrasound

$250 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:


Ultrasound is the perfect complement to a Manual Therapy Practice. Ultrasound waves are a vibration energy that soften hard, fibrous tissue allowing you to manually treat and remodel tissue so much easier and more effectively. The vibrations of the ultrasound also enhance the healing of injured tissue. 

Dancer in Studio

Understanding Movement: Biomechanical Considerations

$150 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

The purpose of this course is to help Manual Therapists, Kinesiologists, and Personal Trainers obtain a better understanding of human movement. The information in this course may appear abstract on the surface, however once understood, its direct application is obvious. This course is not meant for everyone. It is ideal for any practitioner who is involved in the therapy of patients, meaning the assessment, planning, and implementation of ongoing patient care...


Understanding Movement: Exercise Physiology - Energy Systems and Cardiorespiratory Respone to Training

$150 + HST


7 hours

Delivery Model:

In-class or Live Stream

This course is part of our Understanding Movement series. Physiology is a branch of biology relating to the function of organs and organ systems, how they work and respond to stimuli. Exercise physiology is the physiology of physical exercise. This course focuses on the acute responses and chronic adaptation of the energy systems and the cardiorespiratory system to exercise.

The purpose of this course is to introduce Manual Therapists, Kinesiologists, and Personal Trainers to the biochemistry of the human body associated with exercise. The aim to assist the healthcare professional to obtain a clearer understanding of exercise or movement, a tool often prescribed or used as therapeutic intervention with patients...

Reading Books in Library

Course Notes

Here is where you can access ancillary course material, such as additional notes and video from our in-class courses. Your user name and password will be provided to you by your in-class instructor.

Click here for in-class Course Notes

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